Dr. Ed is a Chiropractic Physician located in beautiful Sarasota, FL. After graduating from Eckerd College with a degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry in 2004, he went on to earn his Doctorate from Palmer College of Chiropractic graduating with honors in 2007. Dr. Ed has been practicing in Sarasota, FL for 14 years and loves helping patients from all around the world. In his practice, he prioritizes balancing the spine through specific adjustments to restore Mobility coupled with neuromuscular release. Additionally, Guasha is used to hasten the healing time and spinal stretching to restore proper Alignment. Along with spinal adjustment, Dr. Ed educates his patients on how the mobility of the spine allows them to achieve the correct alignment. This alignment supports the maintenance of spinal mobility. It is Dr. Ed’s goal that every patient he encounters learns something. Live Long and Aligned!!